First, about me
- Gender: Male
- Age: 16
- Height (in cm): Solve the equation below
- DOB: Jan 7th
- Nationality: Vietnamese
- Current Location: Somewhere in Australia
- Personality Type: ISFP-T

Next, about my personality and like-or-dislike stuff
I'm chill most of the time when I don't have to handle much stuff happening at once. However, I'm kinda sensitive to things around me, especially when it's related to love or friendship (e.g. I'm a crazy mouthful weird guy while talking with friends but quiet and vulnerable to overthinking when I'm alone).
I spend most of my spare time catching up on deadlines or tinkering with software source code.
I know I should have been hanging out but eh, do I look like I have friends lol
I know a little bit about music theory and I like messing around in FL Studio, hoping to make something cool.
Here are the things I enjoy
- Solving math questions (I know, sorry).
- Messing up my sleep routine.
- Contributing to my repos on GitHub for 2 weeks and then abandoning them.
- Minecraft (especially Hypixel), during its peak back in 2019-2021
- (used to) Casual CS:GO (now CS2) or Valorant.
- The Half-Life series.
- Super Mario games, especially old-school ones.
and things i (used to) made...
- A bad Discord bot called NotME
- An inefficient terminal ASCII video player written in C++
- An unnecessary Minecraft plugin for /rank
- A Minecraft music map specifically for rickrollingI cringe at my own stuff lmao
In conclusion...
I'm that guy who sees everyone making their own card and tries to make his own.
oh and tell me when world hunger is resolved